Week 0 Tutorial
No tutorial in the first week of class! However, make sure you’ve done the following:
Set up your compiler, added it to your PATH. Instructions for this can be found in the course notes, or here.
- Got yourself a good code editor (I highly recommend vscode). Avoid using
IDEs since you’re going to have to get used to the command line eventually - better now than later! A good
code editor can help you:
- Find syntax errors in your code as you write it
- Save you a lot of time from debugging later
- Help you keep track of your files and edit history (using version control)
- Speed up your development workflow
- Keep your code well formatted automatically
- Read the notes and attempted the exercises in them. Learning C can be difficult for the first time, and the only way to get good at it is to practice. You have tons of help available, make sure you use it!
See you all next week :)